Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Method Statement -Concrete Imprint

1.0       OBJECTIVE

To outline the method statements by which concrete imprint is carried out.

2.0       SCOPE

This method statement describes the method and procedures for concrete imprint works of the proposed (your project name)
This method statement details how formwork installation, reinforcement fabrication and concreting works are to be carried out.
3.0       REFERENCES
·      MS ISO 9001 Clause 7.5.1
·      Construction Drawings
·      Project Specifications     


·         Site Engineer
·         Site Supervisor

4.0       MATERIALS
·         Ready mixed concrete,
·         steel rods,
·         BRC,
·         formwork,
·         colour cement as per BQ - ,
·         Imprint mould etc.


Handling        :  Transport ready mixed concrete to location of pour by mixer trucks. Place concrete by using machinery and equipment outlined below.

Storage         :  Nil


·         Mobile cranes
·         Mortar Mixer,
·         Concreting Buckets,
·         Vibrators,
·         Wheelbarrows, etc. as applicable.


7.1      GENERAL

            The inspection and testing procedure shall be governed by the specifications, approved construction drawings, related codes and standard. Joint inspection shall be carried out between the relevant parties.

            Inspection Request Form (IRF) shall be issued at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the works. Results of the inspection shall be recorded in the Inspection Checklist and shall be signed by respective consultant during the inspection.


            All materials must comply with the requirement stated in the specifications, approved construction drawings, related codes and standards. This is to ensure the quality and standard of the works are adhered.


8.1       GENERAL

i.           Obtain approved architectural drawings, type, specification, colour and pattern for concrete imprint from the client / client’s representative.
ii.          Obtain material submission approval from the resident architect.
iii.         Set out the locations, panel edge lines and levels for formwork along with reference lines.
iv.        Prepare necessary formwork panels to the required dimensions and sizes.
v.         Coat formwork surface evenly and thinly with release agent.


          9.1    FORMWORK

i.           Erect the formwork by providing sufficient struts including necessary bracing.
ii.          Seal gaps in formwork to avoid leakage of concrete.
iii.         Check for the required dimensions as per drawings.
       9.2   REINFORCEMENT

i.           Cut the BRC to place it with spacer blocks with required dimensions and shape.
ii.          Place BRC as per drawings and tie them together using GI wire stands.
iii.         Ensure proper lapping and sufficient lap length as per specifications.
iv.        Submit Request for Inspection Form for joint inspection with client / client’s representative using Pre-Concreting Works Inspection Checklist.
v.         On completion of joint inspection, request client / client’s representative to sign on the Request for Inspection Form and file as per Project Filing Index.
           9.3    CONCRETING WORKS

i.           Take concrete cube samples for quantity specified in the contract document.
ii.          Mark the location of pour for concrete received on the delivery docket and checklist as reference and identification.
iii.         Provide adequate equipment, machinery and manpower to carry out the concreting works.
iv.        Place concrete on designated locations using mobile crane/excavator with concrete buckets.
v.         Start concreting from a fresh location or a predetermined construction joint and continue uninterrupted up to the next predetermined construction joint or expansion joint.
vi.        If concreting is to commence from a construction joint, roughen the joint before placing the concrete when wire mesh is not available.
vii.       Compact concrete by mechanical vibrators. Ensure that concrete is worked into the corners of the structural members.
viii.      Once concrete is about to set, apply colour cement (hardener) to the concrete surface and then stamping with concrete mould as per manufacture requirement.
ix.        Carry out curing works by applying high efficiency curing compound.
x.         Forming the grooved lines/joints by sawing the hardened concrete with a diamond impregnated rotary bladed machine. Then install sealing compound onto the grooved lines/joints as per specification
xi.        Submit Request for Inspection Form for joint inspection with client / client’s representative using Post-Concreting Works Inspection Checklist.



           10.1 GENERAL

   All site personnel shall comply with the HSE procedures and regulations. The site personnel shall be in proper safety working attire at all times during the construction period. Regular maintenance checking shall be conducted to all machineries, plants, equipment and scaffolding as working access at site.    

            10.2  SAFETY AND HEALTH

    Safety and health measures shall be provide to safeguard all people working at  sites and particular attention shall be paid to the areas which are near to the public.All workers shall be equipped with Personal Protective Equipments. Those personnel without PPE shall not be allowed to enter construction site/ work area.

            10.3  ENVIRONMENTAL

    Environmental enactments and stipulations shall be observed and there shall be no    open burning. There shall be control of diesel and lubricant spillage, machineries, plants and equipment combustion emission, dust and noise release (where it applies), through appropriate means.

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