Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Method Statement -Water Proofing


This work method statement covers the applying waterproofing for (your project's name).

This work method statement provides information concerning method of application to ensure compliance with contract requirements and drawings besides to perform safe working environment and compliance with safety requirements.


Estokote Grey is a cement based two component polymer modified flexible waterproof coating. When used in reservoir or similar structure, it is able to accommodate the bending moment of the structure when it is filled with water. It fills and seals pores and voids of concrete or Masonry Surfaces to prevent water infiltration.

It is compatible to concrete. The bonding agent imparts excellent adhesion to concrete surfaces and forms part of the structure.

Packing                  : 22.5 kg pack
Coverage               : 11 m² per pack per two coats


·         Brush / Roller
·         Sponge
·         Glove
·         Spray


v  Preparation

a.       The surfaces, which are to receive Estokote Grey coating, must be free from oil, grease, wax, dirt or loosely adhering particles and sharp edges or any other form of foreign material, which might affect adhesion. The surface must be roughened.
b.       Spalled and deeply disintegrated concrete should be removed to sound concrete and repaired with a suitable concrete repair mortar.
c.        Absorbent surfaces have to be thoroughly saturated with water prior to application of first coat of Estokote Grey. However, no loose standing water should be on the surface before application.

v  Mixing

a.       Mix in a clean container by slowly adding the powder component to the liquid component.
b.       Stirring with slow speed mixer for 2 – 4 minutes to avoid lump formation.
c.        Use mixture within 30 minutes.
d.       Do not add water.

v  Application

a.       Whilst the substrate is still damp from saturation, apply the first coat.
b.       Leave to harden for approximately 4 – 8 hours at temperatures above 20°C before applying the second coat.
c.        Re-mixed the Estokote Grey material remained in mixing vessel for every application of Estokote Grey.
d.       For floor application, to avoid risk of damage to the first coat, it is recommended that the second coat be applied before 24 hours.
e.       If the second coat is applied 12 hours or later, the first coat shall be slightly pre-wetted, preferably using a fine spray.
f.         After the second coat has been applied, better finishing can be achieved by rubbing down with a soft, dry sponge.
g.        Floor screeding inside the water trough to be done before waterproofing applied.

v  Over Coating

a.       Allow the coating as above to be hardened for at least 3 days prior subsequence over coating work.

v  Protection

a.       The freshly applied waterproof coating shall be protected from rain, dirt, oil grease or other loose materials during its drying time.
b.       The contractor should also take precautions to protect the Estokote Grey coating from any mechanical damage during the construction of other trade of works.

v  Curing

a.       Precaution should be taken for applications done directly under sunlight and windy conditions. It should also be protected from direct rain for at least 4 hours.
b.       The finishing coat shall be cured for 3 – 5 days before other trade shall be proceeded.

v  Ponding Test

a.       The waterproof area has allowed to be cured for hours before ponding test was carried out for 24 hours duration.
b.       If the ponding test was failed, rectification work shall be carried out and after the rectification work was done, the ponding test will be carried out.


5.1  Safety

  • All workers shall provide with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and shall be worn everytime they are enter the site.
  • Gloves should be used when handling these products.
  • Eye protection should be worn. Any splashes to the skin or eyes should be washed off. In the event of prolonged irritation, seek medical advice.
  • The Safety Supervisor / Safety Manager shall ensure the workers understand the safety regulations and explain in detail in particular hazards, where the workers are working and the precaution to be taken their safety.

5.2  Environmental

  • All workers shall educate on good environmental management practices and well-disciplined to environment.
  • The garbage bin shall be provided at the working area and Supervisor shall ensure its must be collected regularly and disposed-off at the approved dumpsite.
  • Safety team shall ensure that no open burning of construction or domestic wastes is practiced.
  • All workers shall ensure that all tools and equipment machinery are in good condition to avoid any oil leakage that could harm to environment.


  1. Salam mawarkhayalanxoxo,

    Nak tanya mawar ada tak Method Statement for hacking tiles and installation.
    thank you.

    1. Wasalam aiman... installing ada tapi hacking tak pasti.. ada kot... awak nak ke?

    2. saya nak buat review, ok, awk boleh send ker email saya

    3. awak boleh emel saya jugak tak, alamak post ni dah 5 tahun ahhahha
