Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Method Statement -Concrete Imprint

1.0       OBJECTIVE

To outline the method statements by which concrete imprint is carried out.

2.0       SCOPE

This method statement describes the method and procedures for concrete imprint works of the proposed (your project name)
This method statement details how formwork installation, reinforcement fabrication and concreting works are to be carried out.
3.0       REFERENCES
·      MS ISO 9001 Clause 7.5.1
·      Construction Drawings
·      Project Specifications     


·         Site Engineer
·         Site Supervisor

4.0       MATERIALS
·         Ready mixed concrete,
·         steel rods,
·         BRC,
·         formwork,
·         colour cement as per BQ - ,
·         Imprint mould etc.


Handling        :  Transport ready mixed concrete to location of pour by mixer trucks. Place concrete by using machinery and equipment outlined below.

Storage         :  Nil


·         Mobile cranes
·         Mortar Mixer,
·         Concreting Buckets,
·         Vibrators,
·         Wheelbarrows, etc. as applicable.


7.1      GENERAL

            The inspection and testing procedure shall be governed by the specifications, approved construction drawings, related codes and standard. Joint inspection shall be carried out between the relevant parties.

            Inspection Request Form (IRF) shall be issued at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the works. Results of the inspection shall be recorded in the Inspection Checklist and shall be signed by respective consultant during the inspection.


            All materials must comply with the requirement stated in the specifications, approved construction drawings, related codes and standards. This is to ensure the quality and standard of the works are adhered.


8.1       GENERAL

i.           Obtain approved architectural drawings, type, specification, colour and pattern for concrete imprint from the client / client’s representative.
ii.          Obtain material submission approval from the resident architect.
iii.         Set out the locations, panel edge lines and levels for formwork along with reference lines.
iv.        Prepare necessary formwork panels to the required dimensions and sizes.
v.         Coat formwork surface evenly and thinly with release agent.


          9.1    FORMWORK

i.           Erect the formwork by providing sufficient struts including necessary bracing.
ii.          Seal gaps in formwork to avoid leakage of concrete.
iii.         Check for the required dimensions as per drawings.
       9.2   REINFORCEMENT

i.           Cut the BRC to place it with spacer blocks with required dimensions and shape.
ii.          Place BRC as per drawings and tie them together using GI wire stands.
iii.         Ensure proper lapping and sufficient lap length as per specifications.
iv.        Submit Request for Inspection Form for joint inspection with client / client’s representative using Pre-Concreting Works Inspection Checklist.
v.         On completion of joint inspection, request client / client’s representative to sign on the Request for Inspection Form and file as per Project Filing Index.
           9.3    CONCRETING WORKS

i.           Take concrete cube samples for quantity specified in the contract document.
ii.          Mark the location of pour for concrete received on the delivery docket and checklist as reference and identification.
iii.         Provide adequate equipment, machinery and manpower to carry out the concreting works.
iv.        Place concrete on designated locations using mobile crane/excavator with concrete buckets.
v.         Start concreting from a fresh location or a predetermined construction joint and continue uninterrupted up to the next predetermined construction joint or expansion joint.
vi.        If concreting is to commence from a construction joint, roughen the joint before placing the concrete when wire mesh is not available.
vii.       Compact concrete by mechanical vibrators. Ensure that concrete is worked into the corners of the structural members.
viii.      Once concrete is about to set, apply colour cement (hardener) to the concrete surface and then stamping with concrete mould as per manufacture requirement.
ix.        Carry out curing works by applying high efficiency curing compound.
x.         Forming the grooved lines/joints by sawing the hardened concrete with a diamond impregnated rotary bladed machine. Then install sealing compound onto the grooved lines/joints as per specification
xi.        Submit Request for Inspection Form for joint inspection with client / client’s representative using Post-Concreting Works Inspection Checklist.



           10.1 GENERAL

   All site personnel shall comply with the HSE procedures and regulations. The site personnel shall be in proper safety working attire at all times during the construction period. Regular maintenance checking shall be conducted to all machineries, plants, equipment and scaffolding as working access at site.    

            10.2  SAFETY AND HEALTH

    Safety and health measures shall be provide to safeguard all people working at  sites and particular attention shall be paid to the areas which are near to the public.All workers shall be equipped with Personal Protective Equipments. Those personnel without PPE shall not be allowed to enter construction site/ work area.

            10.3  ENVIRONMENTAL

    Environmental enactments and stipulations shall be observed and there shall be no    open burning. There shall be control of diesel and lubricant spillage, machineries, plants and equipment combustion emission, dust and noise release (where it applies), through appropriate means.

Method Statement -Shear Stud Installation

Outline the method statement for installation of shear stud for Station Concourse Level.

2.0    SCOPE

This method statement shall be used for shear stud installation works for (your project name).

This method statement is prepared based on current site condition; the method statement is subjected to revise / amendment as if the project site condition changes.

The longitudinal shear connection between the steel section and the concrete is provided by shear connectors, which normally take the form of studs welded to the top of the steel section. All connectors should be capable of resisting uplift forces caused by the tendency for the slab to separate from the beam as it bends. In the case of shear studs this is achieved by the head of the stud. Although shear connectors ensure adequate fixing of the decking to the beam, they are not needed simply to achieve this. They should only be used when it is desired to achieve composite action between the slab and the steel beam.


·       Erection Supervisor
·       Site Supervisor
·       Project Engineer


·       Shear stud connectors

·       Stud welding machine (400kg)
·       Generator set (4 ton)
·       Scaffolding
·       Spot light for night working purpose
·       Sky lift  

                                 I.       Before installing the shear stud connector, make sure all the painting has been removed and free from dust on top of the steel.
                               II.       Generator (4 ton) will be placed on the ground and stud welding machine (400kg) will locate on top of the hollow core slab.
                              III.       Mark all the shear stud location and make sure check by consultant before start the installation shear stud.
                             IV.       The working radius for the installation shear stud is 18m.
                               V.       Make sure the shear stud gun is perpendicular to the steel surface to ensure the shear stud is in 90 degree.
                             VI.       Once the shear stud is weld on the steel surface, make sure the shear stud is fully welded.
                            VII.       Bend testing should be conducted after the shear stud is weld on the steel beam. Practically 2-5 percent of the shear stud shall be tested and selected by consultant.


For safety reasons there are precautions that need to be taken during installation.

·         Make daily check on all lifting equipment.
·         Make daily checks on all lifting slings.
·         Check that all access equipment is in good condition, including scaffolding and ladders.
·         Check weather conditions, strong winds are dangerous during erection and sheeting.
·         Check overhead electric lines before moving in.
·         Check that all installer have the correct personal safety equipment, helmet, safety shoes, safety harness and etc.
·         Check electric cables for hand tools, discard frayed or split cables.
·         Ensure permanent bracing and flange stays are installed as work proceeds.
·         Ensure that high strength bolts are used where indicated.
·         Maintain a clean and tidy. Thus avoid material loss or accident.
·         Ensure that high strength bolts are correctly tightened.
·         The site shall be kept clear of unnecessary obstruction.
·         First aid kit boxes will be provided at site office.

·         Workers to use safety harness for work at height and provision of scaffolding for access.

Method Statement -Honeycomb Concrete Repair

Outline the Method statement for Concrete Repair - Honey Comb for structural element.


This method statement shall be used for structural repair for structural elements.


Site Supervisor, Project Engineer

·         Sika MonoTop – 610MY
·         Sika MonoTop – R
·         Sika Grout 215


Handling - Transport of materials shall be carried out by lorry or other suitable machinery.

Storage – Covered and raised above floor level.


Mixer machine, wheelbarrows, wire brush, angle grinder, measuring tapes, and other handy tools.


Obtain approved structural repair layout and details from the client / client’s representative.
Submit inspection checklist for concrete repair to client / client’s representative when carry out concrete repair works.


Method 1 – Re-cast Concrete Structure

i            Identify and demarcate the member which need to be demolished.
ii           Erect adequate temporary props to support the affected slab and beam.
iii          Demolish the severe concrete structure by means hacking with pneumatic tools. Ensure the edge of the concrete is clean, sound and free from dirt or dust.
iv          Care should be taken not to damage the existing reinforcement of the beam and slab.
v           Bonding Preparation - Apply one coat of bonding agent Sika Monotop – 610MY at the edge of existing concrete to receive new concrete.
vi          Formwork – Erect formworks at the demolished area and secure the formwork with suitable ties.
vii         Request for inspection as per inspection checklist for concreting
viii        Pour ready-mixed concrete Grade 40 with waterproofing admixture to the prepared formwork. Ensure the concrete have sufficient vibration during concreting.
ix          On completion carryout joint inspection to sign on inspection checklist for post concrete.

Method 2 - Concrete Repair- Formwork Grouting

i.                Based on structural repair layout, mark on existing structure such as concrete honeycomb.
ii           Surface Preparation - Cut and hack around at demarcated honeycomb area with suitable tool and equipment.  Ensure all loose concrete must be removed down to sound concrete. (Note: Do not use an impact hammer greater than 15 pound)
iii          Clean existing reinforcement and clean/remove debris or loose concrete fragment from the rectification area.
iv          Request for inspection as per inspection checklist for concrete repair.
v           Formwork –Install formworks that cover the size of the repair area including place a layer of sponge at the perimeter with suitable tied.
vi          Install Inlet And Outlet - Drill two rows (upper and lower part) of 25mmØ holes on the formwork to insert 25mmØ UPVC pipe with spacing of 600mm c/c.
vii         Mix the pre-bagged polymer modified shrinkage compensated high strength grout – Sika Grout with adequate water in a mixing drum. 6mm to 10mm aggregate shall be added and mixed with the grout at a ratio of 1:1 by weight to minimize heat generation.
viii        The Sika Grout 215 concrete grout is then poured into the pump. Pump the grout into the form work with the lowers injection port until the grout is going out from the upper port.
ix          Curing - Leave the formwork in place for at least 24 hour. Upon removal of the formwork, cure the exposed surfaces immediately with water.
x           On completion carryout joint inspection to sign on inspection checklist for concrete repair.

Method 3 - Concrete Repair- Formwork Grouting for honeycomb depth > 20mm

i            Based on structural repair layout, mark on existing structure such as concrete honeycomb.
ii           Surface Preparation - Cut and hack around at demarcated honeycomb area with suitable tool and equipment.  Ensure all loose concrete must be removed down to sound concrete. (Note: Do not use an impact hammer greater than 15 pound)
iii          Clean existing reinforcement  and clean/remove debris or loose concrete fragment from the rectification area.
iv          Request for inspection as per inspection checklist for concrete repair.
v           Formwork –Install formworks that cover the size of the repair area including place a layer of sponge at the perimeter with suitable tied.
vi          Install Inlet And Outlet - Drill two rows (upper and lower part) of 25mmØ holes on the formwork to insert 25mmØ UPVC pipe with spacing of 600mm c/c.
vii         Flowable Sika Grout 215 - Place about 4.0 to 4.4 litres clean water into clean container; add the whole bag of Sika Grout 215 (25kg) while continuously mixing. After mixing, stir lightly with a spatula for few seconds to release any entrapped air.
viii        The Sika Grout 215 concrete grout is then poured into the pump. Pump the grout into the form work with the lowers injection port until the grout is going out from the upper port.
ix          Curing - Leave the formwork in place for at least 24 hour. Upon removal of the formwork, cure the exposed surfaces immediately with water.
x           On completion carryout joint inspection to sign on inspection checklist for concrete repair.

Method 4 - Concrete Hand Patch Repair (for area < 0.5m2 at depth < 20mm)

i            Based on structural layout, mark on existing structure such as concrete honeycomb.
ii           Cut around demarcated honeycomb area to eliminate feather edge.
iii          Surface Preparation - Repair area shall be clean, sound and free from all loosely adhering particles.
iv          Bonding Preparation - Apply one coat of bonding agent Sika Monotop – 610MY “wet on wet” to the rectify area.
v           Request for inspection as per inspection checklist for concrete repair.
vi          Concrete Mixing - The cement mortar Sika Monotop – R should be mixed in a clean drum. Place 3.4-3.5 litres of water in to the drum and add Sika Monotop - R slowly while mixing.
vii         Application - Work wet on wet the mixed mortar well into the rectify substrate, using a placing suitable tools, compact well. Steel trowel the final coat if required.
viii        On completion carryout joint inspection to sign on inspection checklist for concrete repair.


·         All HSSE procedure and regulations shall be complied with.
·         To provide proper and safe access for inspection and working.
·         Site personnel must be in proper safety working attire e.g. Safety boots and helmets must be worn at all times.
·         Proper and adequate lighting to be provided when working at night.
·         Water ponding must be constantly pumped out and mosquito infestation checked and controlled.


10.1       Inspections and Test Plan
In order to ensure the quality of honeycomb concrete repair works meet the requirement, inspection and test shall be carried out as per the Project Quality Plan (PQP).

•             Inspection Request Form (IRF) attached with Checklist

Method Statement -Bondek Installation

Outline the Method statement for bondek installation for (your project name).


This method statement shall be used for installation of bondek.


Site Supervisor, Project Engineer


Bondek II is delivered in strapped bundles. If not required for immediate use stacks sheets or bundles neatly and clears of the ground, on a slight slope to allow drainage of water. If left in the open, protect with waterproof covers.

4.2      PROPPING
It is common practice to specify unpropped Bondek II formwork, however, depending on the span of a Bondek II slab, temporary propping may needed between the slab supports to prevent excessive deflections or collapse of the formwork.

Bondek II formwork is normally placed directly on prepared propping. Props must stay in place during the laying of Bondek II formwork, the placement of the concrete, and until the concrete has reached the strength of 20 MPa. Propping generally consists of substantial timber or steel bearers supported by vertical props. The bearers must be continuous across the full width of Bondek II formwork.

Where the underside of Bondek II formwork is featured as a finished ceiling, wide form-ply strips attached to the bearers will minimize marking. The width of the form-ply strips depends upon the slab depth, Bondek II metal thickness and span. Form-ply strips of 300mm width have been used successfully. Propping must be adequate to support construction loads and the mass of wet concrete.

4.3      LAYING
Bondek II must be laid with the sheeting ribs aligned in the direction of the designed spans. Other details include the following:
-            The slab supports must be prepared for bearing and slip joints as required.
-            Lay Bondek II sheets continuously over each slab span without any intermediate splicing or jointing.
-            Lay Bondek II sheets end to end. Centralise the joint at the slab supports. Where jointing material is required the sheets may be butted against the jointing material.
-            Support Bondek II sheets across their full width at the slab support lines and at the propping support lines.
-            For the supports to carry the wet concrete and construction loads, the minimum bearing is 50mm for ends of Bondek II sheets, and 100mm for intermediate supports over which the sheeting is continuous.

Overlapping ribs of Bondek II sheeting are interlocked. Either of two methods can be used in most situations, though variations may also work.

In the first method, lay adjacent sheets loosely in place. Place the female lap rib overlapping the male lap rib of the previous sheet and apply foot pressure, or a light kick, to the female lap rib.
In the second method, offer a new sheet at an angle to one previously laid, and then simply lower it down, through an arc.

If sheets don’t interlock neatly (perhaps due to some damage or distortion from site handling or construction practices) use screws to pull the laps together tightly.

Once laid, Bondek II provides a stable working platform. Bondek II shall be fixed to supporting structure at end supports with screws or nails or equivalent. Where additional security is needed you can use :

-            weights
-            screws or nails into the propping bearers.

Take care if you use penetrating fasteners (such as screws and nails) because they can make removal of the props difficult, and perhaps result in damage to the Bondek II.

Bondek II may be installed directly on erected structural steelwork.

Fastening composite beams

Stud welding through the sheet has been considered a suitable securing method for the sheeting in a composite beam; however some preliminary fixing by one of the methods mentioned above is necessary to secure the sheeting prior to the stud welding. Some relevant welding requirements are :-

-            Mating surfaces of steel beam and sheeting to be cleaned of scale, rust, moisture, paint, overspray, primer, sand mud or other contamination that would prevent direct contact between the parent material and the Bondek II.
-            Welding must be done in dry conditions by a certified welder.
-            For pre-painted Bondek II sheets, special welding procedures may be necessary, and
-            For sheets transverse to beams, stud welding must be between pan flutes to ensure there is no gap between mating surfaces.

Joints used between Bondek II slabs generally follow accepted construction practices. Construction joints are included between slabs for the convenience of construction. Movement joints allow relative movement between adjoining slabs. The joints may be transverse to, or parallel with, the span of the Bondek II slab. Movement joints need a slip joint under the Bondek II sheeting.

The Bondek II sheeting and any slab reinforcement are not continuous through a joint.

Design engineers generally detail the location and spacing of joints because joints effect the design of a slab.

If Bondek II sheeting has been distorted in transport, storage or erection, side-lap joints may need fastening to maintain a stable platform during construction, to minimize concrete seepage during pouring, and to gain a good visual quality for exposed soffits.

EDGE FORM is a simple C-shaped section that simplifies the installation of most Bondek II slabs. It is easily fastened to the Bondek II sheeting neatly retaining the concrete and providing a smooth top edge for quick and accurate screeding. We make it to suit any slab thickness.

EDGE FORM is easily spliced and bent to form internal and external corners of any angle and must be fitted and fully fastened as the sheets are installed. There are various methods of forming corners and splices.

Fasten EDGE FORM to the underside of unsupported Bondek II panels every 300mm. The top flange of EDGE FORM must be tied to the ribs every 600mm with hoop iron 25mm x 1.0mm.

We recommend regular qualified inspection during the installation, to be sure that the sheeting is installed in accordance with this publication and good building practice.

4.11    CUTTING
It is easy to cut Bondek II sheets to fit. Use power saw fitted with an abrasive disc or metal cutting blade. Initially lay the sheet with its ribs down, cut through the pans and part-through the ribs, then turn the sheet over and finish by cutting the tops of the ribs.

4.12    SEALING
Seepage of water or fine concrete slurry can be minimised by following common construction practices. Generally gaps are sealed with waterproof/masking tape or by sandwiching contraction joint material between the abutting ends of Bondek II sheet.


Bondek II is available in long lengths, so large areas can be quickly and easily covered to form a safe working platform during construction. One level of formwork gives immediate protection from the weather, and safety to people working on the floor below. The minimal propping requirements provide a relatively open area to the floor below.

The bold embossments along the top of the ribs of Bondek II enhance safety by reducing the likelihood of workers slipping. Some Lysaght centers, may supply Bondek II with knurling on the upper face of the flutes, which provides even more safety against slippage.

It is commonsense to work safely, protecting yourself and workmates from accidents on the site. Safety includes the practices you use; as well as personal protection of eyes and skin from sunburn, and hearing from noise. For personal safety, and to protect the surface finish of Bondek II, wear clean dry gloves. Don’t slide sheets over rough surfaces or over each other. Always carry tools, don’t drag them.

Occupational health and safety laws enforce safe working conditions in most locations. Local laws may require you to have fall protection which includes safety mesh, personal harnesses and perimeter guardrails where they are appropriate. We recommend that you adhere strictly to all laws that apply to your state.

Bondek II is capable of withstanding temporary construction loads including the mass of workmen, equipment and materials. However, it is good construction practice to ensure protection from concentrated loads, such as barrows, by use of some means such as planks and/or boards.

·         All HSSE procedure and regulations shall be complied with.
·         To provide proper and safe access for inspection and working.
·         Site personnel must be in proper safety working attire e.g. Safety boots and helmets must be worn at all times.
·         Proper and adequate lighting to be provided when working at night.
·         Water ponding must be constantly pumped out and mosquito infestation checked and controlled.


6.1          Inspections and Test Plan
In order to ensure the quality of bondek installation works meet the requirement, inspection and test shall be carried out as per the Project Quality Plan (PQP).

•             Inspection Request Form (IRF) attached with Checklist